“The Story of Civilization” is a monumental work co-authored by Will Durant and Ariel Durant over more than forty years. This series consists of 11 volumes, covering the history of global civilization from ancient times to the modern era. The Durants present a grand historical panorama to readers, drawing on their profound academic background and broad global perspective.
Overview of Content#
“The Story of Civilization” is not merely a simple narration of historical events but a profound exploration of the intersections and interactions between different civilizations. The book details the rise and fall of major civilizations, the transmission and transformation of cultures, and the exchanges and conflicts between different civilizations. For instance, in “Our Oriental Heritage,” the Durants illustrate the profound impact of Eastern civilizations on world history through their depictions of ancient civilizations such as China, India, and Egypt.
The Intersections and Interactions of Civilizations#
The Durants emphasize the mutual influence and interaction between civilizations in their book. They argue that the development of civilizations is not isolated but progresses through continuous exchange and integration. For example, the mutual borrowing between Greek and Roman civilizations in politics, culture, and technology propelled the advancement of Western civilization. Similarly, Islamic civilization became one of the most advanced civilizations in the world during the Middle Ages through its exchanges with Europe and Asia.
Global Perspective#
A significant feature of “The Story of Civilization” is its global perspective. The Durants not only focus on the development of Western civilization but also explore the history and contributions of non-Western civilizations in detail. Through comparative studies of different civilizations, they reveal the diversity and complexity of human history. This global perspective not only broadens readers' horizons but also prompts a rethinking of the definitions and meanings of civilization.
“The Story of Civilization” is a richly detailed and eloquent historical masterpiece. Through profound analysis and vivid depictions of different civilizations, the Durants present a grand historical panorama to readers. This book is not only a must-read for history enthusiasts but also a classic work that anyone wishing to understand the development of human civilization should not miss.